Back-to-School Bus Games You Need to Know for Field Trips

The only thing more exciting for kids than getting out of school for the summer is going back to school to meet all their old friends, as well as the chance to make some new ones. There’s a buzz in the air for the first couple days of classes with everyone wearing their new back-to-school clothes and sharing summer break stories—but nothing beats the first class field trip on the school bus!
Though kids might be excited to make new friends, it can also be a bit intimidating. Back to school time in the Fall can be especially terrifying for children going to a new school because they don’t know anyone yet. Once they break the ice, they’ll find that there are so many interesting kids to befriend. All it takes is a fun game to bring kids together.
Charter Bus Safety, Service, and Equipment: Does your choice fits all these?
Deciding how to choose the proper charter bus company is something that very few people think about on a daily basis. Over the past year, numerous news reports about charter bus safety have flashed across the home pages of many newspapers, and TV’s.
NASA Space Field Trip!

There are few things that will astound your students more than a trip to NASA. Besides offering free year-round field trips, the NASA Glenn Visitor Center will give your students the opportunity to learn about a variety of space related topics, including: the personal lives of astronauts, the inter-workings of the solar system, the International Space Station, and much, much more!
Student Travel to The Alamo

As one of San Antonio’s most famous attractions, the Alamo is a top destination for tourists of all ages. But it’s especially well suited for school trips. Why? Consider…
BusBank – School Field Trips to Grand Canyon
There’s nothing quite like it. Majestic, epic, and breath-taking, the Grand Canyon astounds both young and old alike. And if you’re planning a school trip to Arizona, then you definitely won’t want to miss these Grand Canyon visitor tips: Head to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. It’s open year-round and has an abundance […]
Disney Grad Night!

Calling all senior class presidents, class sponsors, and high school event coordinators! Are you scrambling to figure out this year’s senior class trip? Or maybe you just have a sneaking suspicion that the trip you are currently planning is lame-o…